New TLDs Websites

Staying Ahead Of The Curve With .dev

Automation is changing the way entire industries function. It is what separates forward-thinking businesses from traditional mindsets. One company that has embodied the value of automation is Google. Whether it’s self-driving cars or an immense advertising network, Google is one of the leading companies invested in coding and development advancement. And so it’s quite a treat that, as of February 28th, 2019, Google is releasing a new domain name extension: .dev.

.dev is for developers

.dev is the new domain name extension that is for developers. If you’re not a tech developer, you can still register a .dev domain name. But the main connotation of .dev is to signify that your website is about building software tools, apps, platforms or other cool things that you develop.

Uses for .dev

.dev could be a great way to show off your development expertise by using a .dev domain name for your portfolio website. You could also use it as an online resume. You could be a small software company, building custom applications for clients, and use a .dev domain name to show what your company is about. Or you could be an online coding platform that allows users to write code in the browser and see their results in real time.

If you’re part of a team in a larger organization, you could use a .dev domain name to create a separate website to showcase what your development team is working on, giving you visibility and recognition. Along those same lines, you could create a .dev site for internal collaboration, testing, and knowledge sharing, so that you could work asynchronously and prevent any interference with your company’s main .com website.

The .dev trend: don’t miss it

Last year, Google released a similar domain name extension to .dev: .app. They launched it on May 8th, 2018, and since then, there has already been 372,000 registrations of .app. That makes .app the 12th most popular new TLD. If the .app popularity is any indicator of future performance for similar TLDs, our prediction is that .dev will also make a huge wave. There are two factors that make this potential trend possible:

  • general tendency towards automation around the world
  • general tendency towards new domain name extensions

Register a .dev Domain Name

Given that there are already 200+ million domain names registered under the .com domain name extension, this new release is a way to stay relevant to what you do. Porkbun now offers .dev as one of our 400 different domain name extensions to choose from.