
Why Choose Porkbun for Domain Name Registration?

OINK! We’ll be the first to admit we love Porkbun, but you should, too! If you’re wondering why Porkbun is the best domain name registrar out there (peep USA Today naming us the #1 domain registrar for 2023 and 2024), let us show you some top reasons. Our mission is to provide low prices, top-notch […]

blog Informational

How Much Does a Domain Name Really Cost?

At Porkbun, we’ve always strived to provide industry-low pricing consistently and transparently. But domain industry pricing as a whole can be confusing. In this post, I’ll explain not only how the domain industry pricing model works, but how we provide exceptional value you can trust at Porkbun.  We haven’t seen a post like this elsewhere […]


7,000+ .link Dictionary Words Now Available for $3.83!?

UNR, the registry operator of the .link & .click domain endings, is dedicated to helping businesses and investors alike secure the best domains for their brands. That’s why we’ve teamed up with them to generate a list of over 8,000 dictionary-word domains that recently became available for standard registration fees (7,000+ .link and 1,000+ .click)! […]

blog Promotions

Why .cloud?

Digital Trends, Uses, and Strategies for Forward-Thinking Success Welcome to the Digital World As life and commerce embrace digital platforms faster than ever, it’s crucial to stay up to speed with modern online tools designed for innovation. No longer a luxury, cloud computing has become an imperative for long-term business success. None of this is […]

blog Informational New TLDs Websites

How Online Teachers Can Be Effective in the Digital Classroom

There is a lot of information about the benefits of working remotely, but what about learning remotely?  While working from home has become more mainstream, online learning is a new technological frontier for many teachers and institutions. Despite the challenges, remote learning is a rewarding opportunity to create a more accessible and inclusive educational environment […]